
Research is the sine qua non of an academic economist’s profile. Without an ongoing research activity, it’s hard to deliver research-based teaching and supervision. And without an anchor in serious research, dissemination activities tend to lose credibility and respect.
Research output is first and foremost measured in terms of publications. The quantity and quality of your publications determine your standing within the profession. "Publish or perish" is not only an aphorism but also the real way of life in the academic world.
However, publications aren’t all what matters. Supervising PhD students, organising conferences, fundraising, editorial tasks etc. also count. But again: Research publications are the foundation. In their absence, the other endeavors won't really succeed.
My research is motivated by real-world challenges. This is reflected in my papers, which mostly are applied and policy-oriented. They are about the fiscal framework in the EU, how the pandemic was handled by the Nordics, occupational pensions in Denmark. And the like...
Most of my research is carried out jointly with colleagues from all over the globe. Some of them I have known for several decades. Others are PhD students in my team. I really prefer teamwork, as it brings complementary knowledge and diversity to our work.
I still get excited when our work brings new insights to the table that are accepted by the journals or published as chapters in books. I also love seeing when pieces of our work appear as "policy briefs" on various online platforms or as features in influential newspapers.
My key research interests are generational and macroeconomic effects of demographic changes, public and private pensions, monetary unification and fiscal policy in Europe, sustainability and management of public debt, financial stability, and macroeconomic policy more generally.
Research output is first and foremost measured in terms of publications. The quantity and quality of your publications determine your standing within the profession. "Publish or perish" is not only an aphorism but also the real way of life in the academic world.
However, publications aren’t all what matters. Supervising PhD students, organising conferences, fundraising, editorial tasks etc. also count. But again: Research publications are the foundation. In their absence, the other endeavors won't really succeed.
My research is motivated by real-world challenges. This is reflected in my papers, which mostly are applied and policy-oriented. They are about the fiscal framework in the EU, how the pandemic was handled by the Nordics, occupational pensions in Denmark. And the like...
Most of my research is carried out jointly with colleagues from all over the globe. Some of them I have known for several decades. Others are PhD students in my team. I really prefer teamwork, as it brings complementary knowledge and diversity to our work.
I still get excited when our work brings new insights to the table that are accepted by the journals or published as chapters in books. I also love seeing when pieces of our work appear as "policy briefs" on various online platforms or as features in influential newspapers.
My key research interests are generational and macroeconomic effects of demographic changes, public and private pensions, monetary unification and fiscal policy in Europe, sustainability and management of public debt, financial stability, and macroeconomic policy more generally.